Contact Lawmakers About SaveUberRI


Grumpy_Cat.jpgCOMING SOON

I am opposed to RI House Bill 8044. As your constituent, I ask you to vote against this bill and any bills that would kill efficient and innovative transportation services like Uber or lyft  in the Rhode Island.

H8044 would impose heavy regulations and fees for transportation network companies, including $150 fees for each driver, unusual insurance regulations, bans against cash use, bans on driver gun licensing, and disability mandates. 

As seen in other states, legislation like this could force Uber or Lyft to leave the Ocean State due to government interference. This bill has received a (-3) rating on the Rhode Island Center for Freedom & Prosperity’s legislative index, the lowest possible score.

Please, protect our hassle free ways to travel like Uber & Lyft. Every Rhode Island citizen deserves the respect to travel how they choose. I look forward to your response. Thank you.

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