The Words of the RhodeMap RI 'Economic Development Plan'

I am writing to express a deep concern over the highly controversial plan being imposed upon every Rhode Islander by the RI Division of Planning.  There seems to be a major disconnect between the idea of a growing and prosperous economy for everyone, and an agenda intended to make decisions based upon everything but sound economic principles.

The most striking statistic about this plan is the sheer number of times phrases that have little to do with economic growth appear in the document: 

  • "Social Equity" 27 times
  • "Race and ethnicity" 4 times
  • "Segregation and racism" 3 times

Consider that 27 times a plan that is supposedly intended to lift up all Rhode Island citizens, uses the term "social equity" in its description of policies and implementation strategy.  Why would anyone consider such factors when developing an economic plan that is supposed to make a better life for everyone in our state?  Is the implication here that somehow people's identities make them better suited to live in certain areas than others? 

What a horrible concept to consider.


According to the NASPAA Journal of Public Affairs Education, there is no clear definition and measures of social equity.  How can we allow an economic development plan to be forced upon us and future generations when it is predicated upon concepts that even those who espouse them cannot define?

Despite the fact that NASPAA cannot define the term, they do state social equity takes on three different forms in public administration; one of which is a "redistribution of resources to level the playing field."

Are we willing to hand off to our children a world in which the economy they will have to apply their skills and hard work is based upon the "redistribution of resources"??  Such resources must be produced by someone, and if you are a parent, guardian, or grandparent who has worked hard to raise a child to be the best they can be, do you want their efforts squandered by bureaucrats, politicians, and people who feel that somehow their life and mind are theirs and not your child's?

I was raised to believe that government, law, and justice should be blind to the physical characteristics of people and treat all equally under the law.  How is that possible when a statewide plan encourages people to "not shy away from frank discussions" and "get comfortable with words we don’t like to use, such as segregation and racism"? 

How can such planners seek an economic solution for all when it advocates supporters "be explicit about the role that race and ethnicity play in the distribution of benefits and burdens in Rhode Island."

Do my fellow citizens genuinely believe the good people of Rhode Island are preventing our fellow citizens from getting help because we wish people misfortune due to the way they look? 

This is an outrage and an insult to citizens who have been on the forefront of some of the nation's greatest advancements throughout history in equality under the law and liberty for all.

I ask my fellow citizens to please seek out information about this plan now before it is too late.  On December 11th, this plan will be voted upon, only weeks away.  There is no need to push this through immediately, citizens should be informed about what is being done and the details of what is happening.  Then we can build the best future for everyone in our state.

I am writing to express a deep concern over the highly controversial plan being imposed upon every Rhode Islander by the RI Division of Planning.  There seems to be a major disconnect between the idea of a growing and prosperous economy for everyone, and an agenda intended to make decisions based upon everything but sound economic principles.

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