Mobs or Jobs? Rep. Justine Caldwell is the Democrat representative for House District 30. Her record shows that she has ignored the will of the people of her district, instead voting for radical far-left legislation and with insider leadership 99.3% of the time.
She failed to fight for the families and businesses of East Greenwich during the COVID-19 crisis siding instead with radical agitators hell-bent on destroying America.
Pocketbook Issues:
In 2019, Justine Caldwell voted for a new anti-biz sales tax on software as a service. RI is already 50th in business according to CNBC!
In 2019, Justine Caldwell voted to irresponsibly spend your tax-dollars in the ever-increasing state budget. This black hole of spending has to be cut back.
In 2019, Justine Caldwell voted to freeze teacher & municipal employee contracts during negotiations. This means BIG union benefits and your PROPERTY TAXES go up and up!
Second Amendment:
In 2020, Rep. Justine Caldwell sponsored legislation to restrict your 2A rights by limiting the manufacturer of 3D printed guns.
In 2020, Rep. Justine Caldwell sponsored legislation to restrict your 2A rights by banning assault weapons and by limiting the size of magazines.
In 2020, Rep. Justine Caldwell sponsored legislation to have the police altered when a gun is purchased. Get ready for a gun registry!
In 2019, Justine Caldwell voted for unrestricted abortions until the second of birth. The vast majority of Rhode Islanders opposed this heinous bill.
Personal Rights:
In 2020, Rep. Justine Caldwell sponsored legislation to take away the rights of legal adults to have tobacco products including vaping.
In 2019, Justine Caldwell voted to create a big-brother style database for the personal health records of Rhode Island adults!
Progressive Make-Believe:
In 2019, Justine Caldwell voted to create a special “Green" license for "sustainable" businesses, directly from the progressive land of make believe.
In 2020, Rep. Justine Caldwell sponsored legislation to make the state's economic development planning to be heavily based around a radical climate change agenda.
In 2020, Rep. Justine Caldwell sponsored legislation to advance a social justice warrior agenda by hiring non-Rhode Islander judges based on race, and have a racial quota.
In 2020, Rep. Justine Caldwell sponsored legislation to create a social justice warrior panel within the RI State Police to hire women and minorities.
Read more about Justine Caldwell:
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