Town Council
John L. Lewis, Jr.
(401) 647-5971
Pamela Fontaine
Vice President
(401) 647-5097
Denise DiFranco
(401) 647-5195
Roger Hawes
(401) 397-7024
Neal Whitelaw Member
(401) 397-5614
Foster Town Hall
181 Howard Hill Road
Foster, RI 02825
Phone: 401-392-9200
Fax: 401-702-5010
Monday - Thursday
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Closed Fridays
Building & Zoning
181 Howard Hill Road
Foster, RI 02825
Phone: (401) 392-9205
Peter J. Scorpio, Bulding & Zoning Insp.
Peter DiSpigno, Electrical Inspector
Jeff Lowe, Plumbing & Mechanical Insp.
Land Trust
181 Howard Hill Road
Foster, RI 02825
Phone: (401) 392-9201
Linda Los Tibbetts, Chair
Myra Mercier, Vice Chair
Planning Board
The Foster Planning Board consists of seven members. The current membership is:
John Bevilacqua, Chair
Joseph Carey, Vice Chair
Helen Hardy, Secretary
Tom Mercier
Julia Parmentier
Michael Carpenter
Jon Restivo
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