No Opposition to Political Leadership? Noret.

Representative Thomas Noret (Democrat, Coventry and West Warwick) retired from his municipal job with the Coventry Police Department at the age of 43, and now in the Rhode Island state legislature, he's looking to give back to the labor unions that got him a pension at such a young age.  During the 2019 legislative session, he fulfilled his obligation to the unions and the Rhode Island establishment by rubber stamping every terrible bill that the House leadership put forward.

Making new things taxable on the Internet?  Yeah, he's for it.  Interfering with local negotiations to give labor unions more leverage?  That's his bread and butter.  Expanding government's eminent domain powers to reduce property rights and giving the General Assembly veto power over development in its neighborhood?  Whatever... you only lease your property from the government anyway.  Placing new restrictions on charter schools that give a lifeline to students whom the government school system is failing?  Hendricken grad Noret says, "Let them fail RICAS."

On the flip side, he did vote against placing a limit on how far back in time the state can go to collect taxes.  So, there's that.

Who is Thomas Noret?  If his votes while... cough... representing Coventry and West Warwick are any guide, you'd be better off asking Speaker Nick Mattiello, who (by the way) isn't from either of those towns.

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