SIGN NOW: Let me live my own life! I oppose politically correct vaping restrictions and increased cigarette taxes...

How many people might die because they were denied a less harmful choice? As a supporter of the vaping and our natural right to make our own choices, I pledge to oppose all elected officials and candidates who seek to diminish the ability for adults to vape, and increase cigarette taxes regardless of political affiliation. Informed lifestyle and product decisions should be left to the people and to the free-market, with ample public education. In recent years, major technological breakthroughs have made new tobacco products much safer than conventional cigarettes. Yet, government at all levels, and some public institutions, are seeking to block access to such products, robbing consumers of their right to healthier lifestyles, and prohibiting entrepreneurs from their right to earn a living.Legislators must NEVER vote to make our state an even worse place for law-abiding citizens to seek less harmful choices. Lives, jobs, budget dollars and individual liberties are at risk.  I will oppose all anti-vaping initiatives & cigarette tax raises that include, but not limited to:

  • Any legislation that would regulate the sale of e-cigarettes and vaping establishments the same as tobacco.
  • Restrictions that would add electronic nicotine-delivery systems (i.e., a completely non-tobacco product) to the definition of "Tobacco" for tax purposes. In other words, legislation designed to discourage people from moving away from the dangerous habit of smoking by making this less harmful nicotine delivery system far more expensive to purchase.

As lawmakers vote on legislation, so I will vote next November. We must improve, not worsen, the ability of our state’s citizens to seek less harmful alternatives for tobacco products.

Will you sign?

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  • Lori Grady
  • Mike Sten
  • Larry Gillheeney