We, the citizens of Rhode Island, and of the United States of America, do profoundly reject the anti-American premise underlying RhodeMap RI. It denies the individual rights (to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) upon which our country was founded. RhodeMap RI is an attack on our right to private property.
We recognize RhodeMap RI and its related documents and affiliated agencies as an attempt to impose onerous regulations, needlessly burdensome taxes, oppressive controls on private businesses and private farms. RhodeMap seeks to use eminent domain and other schemes to control our land, to force us out of our private homes into densely populated “growth centers,” to take our property if some planners deem it better used as "open space" or for some other purpose. Their goals is to enrich the bureaucrats and their chosen economic “winners,” to incite racism by treating individuals as members of collectives rather than as free individuals, to encourage bureaucratic controls over our way of life, and other bureaucratic intrusions into our free market system. The planners are deliberately trying obfuscate the legality of what they are doing.
As concerned Rhode Islanders, we support the ability for our cities and towns to opt-out of RhodeMap RI and any similar schemes that seek to control our lives and undermine our Constitutional freedoms.