Rhode Island Rally for Medical Freedom on Aug 31st
RI Rally for Medical Freedom on Aug 31st is Just two weeks away!!
You are invited to attend with your whole family. This event is a community of citizens coming together from all walks of life, and bipartisan view points, to stand against medical tyranny.
Rhode Island Dept of Health has informed Brown University medical students, that it plans to work to remove the religious exemptions for vaccinations for school attendance in RI. This planned action is discrimination. RIDOH has gone on record telling the public to use the religious exemption for the HPV vaccination, as so many parents were not willing to get the vaccine series for their children. We predict they will use the religious exemptions filed for the HPV vaccine and the Flu shot (for preschoolers) as examples of "misuse". They will try to paint a picture that deters from the fact it is religious discrimination.
No medical procedure should be forced, or done under coercion, including vaccinations.
Let's gather as one.
Stand together and united at RI Statehouse front steps; 1:30p Sat Aug 31st
The event is Free, and will have a table set up from Health Choice Rhode Island. Informational sheets, blank religious exemption forms, and books available too.
We currently have over 100 attendees registered to Rally! Register to JOIN US
Share the FB event post on social media https://www.facebook.com/events/2261861450741167/
Don't forget to bring signs too. Examples; "NOHPVmandateRI" "Health Choice" "Medical Freedom" "Informed Consent" "Body Autonomy" "Reject Medical Tyranny"
We have flyers available to hang at coffee shops and libraries etc. Simply reply to this email you are interested in hanging flyers and what town. Then you will be sent the file to print it out and share. We appreciate as much help as we can get. Thank you
Would you like to sponsor this event? If you have a business or manage a business and would like to sponsor this event. We are asking for a sturdy 11x17 sign and small donation. Email [email protected] to sponsor and showcase your business.
Come down and RALLY! Rhode Islanders against mandated HPV vaccinations, and Health Choice Rhode Island are happy to be co hosting this important event for RI.
Thank you for supporting the efforts of the core group volunteers. See you Aug 31st!
Click here to donate $25 to #NOHPVmandateRI
Click here to donate $50 to #NOHPVmandateRI
Click here to donate $75 to #NOHPVmandateRI
Click here to donate $100 to #NOHPVmandateRI
Click here to donate $200 to #NOHPVmandateRI