RhodeMap RI & Transfer of Development Rights Analysis Videos
RhodeMap RI and the Transfer of Development Rights documents are long and complicated, yet everyone in Rhode Island must make every effort to understand them due to the huge impact both have on the future of our state.
The video above will help RI citizens understand these plans by citing key quotes throughout both documents and then explaining their relevance and effect on our lives. The citizens of PRARI urge all Rhode Islanders to watch this video as soon as possible due to the urgent nature of taking action against these plans.
Sal Carceller's analysis of Rhode Map RI where he answers the questions, is this plan is a economic recovery plan? Who's plan is it? Was it planned by RI citizens and businesses?
Local expert on RhodeMap RI Gary Morse's presentation on Rhodemap RI for members of PRARI [Property Rights Alliance of Rhode Island]:
Mike Stenhouse spoke at the RhodeMap RI public forum in North Kingstown, RI.