The Gaspee Project Is About Returning Rhode Island Government To You
The Gaspee Project's mission is to return control of your lives to you - the people - by actively opposing the progressive and special-interest public policy agenda and by advancing pro-growth and pro-taxpayer solutions that can create more and better jobs via more and better businesses.
At the Gaspee Project, it is our duty to hold accountable lawmakers who ignore your best interests.
Currently, Gaspee is asking you to JOIN our growing online community in support of:
- Ending the radical-left "Progressive" agenda - An elitist government-centric approach that will raise your taxes, increase regulatory burdens on business, and infringe on your private property rights.
- Advancing Educational Choice - The Bright Today campaign will empower parents to choose the best educational path for their children, when their zip code assigned school does not meet their children's needs.
- The Incorruptible Voice Of The Business Community - The mission of the Gaspee Business Network (GBN) is to build a durable, potent, consistent, and incorruptible voice for the Rhode Island business community.
When spoken in unison with others, your voice can carry significant weight. Please express your voice today by joining and taking action to contact your legislators and/or supporting our top initiatives.
The Gaspee Project is a 501-C-4 and is a registered nonprofit in the state of Rhode Island; PO Box 10212, Cranston, RI 02910