In 1775, Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet stating that the freedoms of man can only be maintained by limiting the power of government. The pamphlet was called Common Sense. Today, it is still common sense!
The Common Sense program brings to you the viewer an alternative view of the news in Rhode Island. New episodes are released on Thursday are the Youtube/Facebook and here now on The Gaspee Network. On Saturdays at 4 PM and Sundays at 10 AM, Common Sense airs on Verizon Channel 34 or Cox Channel 15.
Current Episode:
The war on everyone? That's right, the "lefts" policies declare war on everyone and Representative Patricia Morgan and Lee Ann Senniok, RI Republican National Committeewoman and President of the RI Federation of Republican Women, discuss how they do. Mark Zaccaria and April Giarrusso stop by to analyze some news stories on our minds this week. Jeff Richard catches us up on the world of games. It's time for some Common Sense RI.
Full Episodes:
This week on Common Sense Representative Patricia Morgan meets Mike Cerulo, spokesperson for "What's the Rush RI", an advocacy group that's position is "Let's wait until we have the facts on legalizing Marijuana". Mark Zaccaria and April Giarrusso take a closer look at the news and Jeff Richard tells us about "adult coloring books". Throw in a little sarcasm with "Are you kidding me?" and you get another dose of Common Sense RI.
This week we review the gun related legislation before our Reps and Senators at the State House. Some good, some bad, Mike O'Neil from the RI 2nd Amendment Coalition guides Representative Patricia Morgan through them. Jeff Richard explains that our leaders don't want us to have cash anymore and what they are doing to ensure that we don't. Mark Zaccaria and April Giarrusso take their regular closer look at some news stories of the day as well as cast a critical and sarcastic eye at the shenanigans going on at the State House and beyond. Come on by for some Common Sense RI!
This week we catch up with Justin Katz, Managing Editor of Anchor Rising and Ocean State Current. Rep. Patricia Morgan and Justin discuss Economic Freedom, one of Justin's favorite subjects. Mark Zaccaria and April Giarrusso take a closer look at some current news stories of interest. Jeff Richard drops by to tell us about dating in the 21st Century. And of course we ask the never inappropriate question "Are you kidding me"?
This week on Common Sense Ri we discuss the next steps in the battle over the tolls. Wait, you didn't think we'd giver up that easy did you? Brandon Bell, RIGOP Chair, and Representative Pat Morgan discuss replacing the General Assembly and then repealing the tolls. Mark Zaccaria and April Giarrusso drop by to analize the news stories and give us a little satire . Lastly, Jeff Richard comes by and talk about our loss of "Economic Freedom". It's time for a little Common Sense RI!
Did you really think it was over? Rep. Anthony Giarrusso (R) East Greenwich, drops by and discusses with Rep. Pat Morgan what is "next" in the long battle to stop the tolls. Mark Zaccaria and April Giarrusso examine news stories from around the Ocean State and the World, as well as take a couple of sarcastic jabs at a few politicians. Lastly, Jeff Richard tells us what is wrong with the Governor's Budget. It's time for some Common Sense RI!
Tolls are a coming unless there's a last minute save like a Butler interception at the goal line. This week Representative Patricia Morgan has RI Independent Contractors President Matthew Olson on to discuss why this is such a bad idea. Mark Zaccaria and April Giarrusso take a deeper look at news stories from around the State and our Nation. Jeff Richards discusses with us the latest listing for RI, now deemed the worst place to retire in America. Come on by a get some Common Sense RI!
This week Ralph Coppola of the Small Business Association of New England drops by and discusses the Economic Summit that took place recently in Rhode Island with Representative Patricia Morgan. Mark Zaccaria and April Giarrusso discuss current news and offer some analysis. Jeff Richard has a thing or two to pass on about Car Insurance. Sprinkled in we have a little humorous sarcasm as we ask the question of the year "Are you kidding me?" It's time for some Common Sense RI!
Welcome back! This week we have Senators Nick Kettle and Mark Gee by to discuss the agenda on the Senate side of the RI Statehouse. Mark Zaccaria and April Giarrusso do a deep dive on some news stories of the day as well drop in with a little sarcastic question "Are you kidding me?" Lastly, Jeff Richard comes by and talks about the burgeoning new technology, Facial Recognition, and how it might be used. It's time for some Common Sense RI!
Representative Patricia Morgan has Monique Chartier, spokesperson or Rhode Island Taxpayers and a frequent contributor for The Current Anchor. Pat and Monique discuss many subjects, not least of which is the tolling issue. Jeff Richard comes by and tells us about Cognitive Computing. Mark Zaccaria and newcomer April Giarrusso take a look into some current news stories as well as ask the burning question we've been come to be known from. Time for some Common Sense RI!
What are PARCC scores and why are our students doing so poorly? It all swings back around to Common Core, the federally mandated education standards. Rep Patricia Morgan has Don Allen, a parent who has looked into Common Core and the PARCC test. Jeff Richard drops by calls it as he sees it. Let's just say he's not happy with this whole tolling idea. Mark Zaccaria and his lovely bride Ruth analyze the news and ask our favorite question. "Are you kidding me?" It's time for some Common Sense RI!
This week on Common Sense, we delve into the debate about Syrian refugees and Gun Control. Rep. Patricia Morgan hosts Rep. Mike Chippendale and they discuss the problems. Ruth Zaccaria, Mark Zaccaria's wife, steps in to cover for the vacationing Alyson Perry. Ruth and Mark study the news a little deeper and ask our favorite question "Are you kidding me?" Last but certainly not least, Mark Zaccaria helps explain the Federal Budget to us regular folks.
The Best Of "Are you kidding me?" This week, our last broadcast of 2015, we go back and look at the "funny" in show. We start out with our regular news analysis with Alyson Perry and Mark Zacarria. We then go through 6 categorizes, from the dumbest of government to the most sarcastic of "Are you kidding me?" Last but not least, we crown "the Best of" Are you kidding me?" Our friend Jeff Richard comes by to tell us what the future will look like, at least according to the Wall Street Journal. Come by and take a second to laugh with us on Common Sense RI.
A special Common Sense RI this week. Candidate for State Senate Seat in District 11, John Pagliarini is with Rep. Patricia Morgan. They discuss his ideas for turning RI around. Jeff Richard comes by and talks about Christmas. Mark Zaccaria and Alyson Perry delve into into the news of the day as well as ask our favorite question, "Are you kidding me?"
This week Rep. Pat Morgan reviews the Center for Freedom and Prosperity's Report Card on Rhode Island Competitiveness with Mike Stenhouse. Together they describe a rather bleak outlook. Jeff Richard comes by to tell us a bit of the history of the Marine Corp hymn and the Barbary Coast Wars and how it might pertain to our own time. Mark Zaccaria and Alyson Perry come by to look closer at some news stories of the day as week as ask our favorite question. It's time for some Common Sense RI!
This week, Rep. Pat Morgan interviews William Vernon from the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB). They discuss the challenges of business in Rhode Island as well as what the NFIB is doing at the State House to improve the business climate. Jeff Richard comes by and tells us why its not a good idea to go to the hospital. Mark Zaccaria and Alyson Perry takes a closer look at some news stories and then drop in and out to ask our now famous question, "Are you kidding me?" It's time for some Common Sense RI.
What does it really mean "RI is not friendly to business"? Rep. Patricia Morgan continues her series finding out. She interviews Mark Garofalo, owner of Fireworks Catering, and delves deep for some answers. Jeff Richard comes by and tells us about MOAA (Military Officers Association of America). Mark Zaccaria and Alyson Perry look closer at the news and drop by to ask the question of our government leadership, "Are you kidding me?" Time for some Common Sense RI!
This week on Common Sense Rep. Patricia Morgan interviews 2 business people, Chef Lou Perella from Perella's Ristorante in Warren and Cathie Tattrie of Smith Funeral and Memorial Services also from Warren. They discuss the challenges of doing business in RI. We take a few moments to recap the Republican Policy Groups Press Conferences last week as they discuss the shortcoming of the Governors Economic Impact Study. Jeff Richard comes by with some insights as to ill effects of a broken home can have on children. Alyson Perry and Mark Zaccaria do their regular bang up job focusing on the news fo the day and then drop a couple of questions, well actually the same question multiple times. Time for some Common Sense!
This week on Common Sense, Representative Patricia Morgan has Terri Gorman, President of Rhode Islanders For Immigration Law Enforcement. They discuss the costs associated with current Rhode Island policies in regard to illegal aliens. Jeff Richard comes by with some insight about today's ever changing experience "Shopping". Mark Zaccaria and Alyson Perry take a closer look at the news of the day and from time to time drop by to ask our question "Are you kidding me?" Come on Rhode Island, it's time for some Common Sense!
This week Rep. Pat Morgan has Gary Sasse of the Hassenfeld Institute for Public Policy on to discuss a recent poll the Institute commissioned. Find out what Rhode Islander's really are thinking. Jeff Richard had some thought regarding Modern Politics. We welcome Allison Perry as she joins Mark Zaccaria for analysis of the news and some questions we like to ask "Are you kidding me?" Come on and join us for some Common Sense.
Today we released the 38th weekly episode of Common Sense RI. Just by chance, Rep. Pat Morgan has the departing Mark Curtis, local political analyst, and they will talk about the emerging details from the 38 Studios document release. Mark brings a special connection as the original bond vote was one of the first stories he covered in Little Rhody. Our commentator, Jeff Richard comes by and tells us about Fortune Magazine’s 50 most powerful women in America. Mark Zaccaria and Elizabeth Smith take a close look at some news stories from around the Ocean State. Plus, they ask a few tough questions, well it’s always the same question. Are you kidding me? Tune in here for some Common Sense RI!
And we're back. This week we bring it home by reversing the table on Rep. Patricia Morgan by having Mark Zaccaria interview her about the Republican Policy Groups initiative to pay for our roads and bridges from our present budget. No tolls, no debt (sorry Governor and you buddies on Wall Street), and more money for our roads and bridges. Jeff Richard talks about where the Dept. of Defense is spending money and where it should be spending more of it, like here in little Rhody. Elizabeth Smith and Mark Zaccaria cover some of the news out their with their own brand of analysis and commentary. Of course in between all of that we apply a little sarcasm and humor in the regular spots "Are you kidding me?" Jon us now for Common Sense RI.
We change things up this week by having Mark Zaccaria step in to interview Carolyn Medeiros, Executive Director of the Alliance for Safe Communities. They discuss the work that organization does watching dogging our criminal justice system. Jeff Richard comes by to tell us about Rhode Islands place among the United States on the happiness scale. As you can probably guess, it's not good news. Mark Zaccaria and Elizabeth Smith dive into the news a little deeper and also take a time out to ask our elected officials "Are you kidding me?" It's time for some Common Sense!
This week on Common Sense, we have Part 2 of our interview conducted by Representative Pat Morgan and Melody Majkut, owner of M & G Trucking. They discuss what effect tolling our roads will have on the local economy and dispel some of the myths about what the trucking industry does already pay for our roads. Jeff Richard tells us where the millennials would like to work. Elizabeth Smith and Mark Zaccaria do their usual bang up job of digging deeper into the stories of the day as well as ask "Are you kidding me?" a few times. Common Sense starts now.
This week Representative Patricia Morgan is joined by Mike Stenhouse from the Center for Freedom and Prosperity. Mike and Pat talk about many issues that the center is working on, including the call for an independent investigation in the 38 Studio debacle. Jeff Richards drops by to talk about a recent event in the NFL that you may have recently heard about. Mark Zaccaria and Elizabeth Smith dig a little deeper into some of the new stories of the day and we ask the question over and over again "Are you kidding me?" Common Sense starts here.
This week on Common Sense Representative Patricia Morgan interviews Gary Sasse from the Hassenfeld Institute for Public Policy. They discuss the original proposal and the current proposal from the owners of the Pawsox as well as discuss what "revenue neutral" is. Jeff Richard drops by and gives us his take on magazines. Elizabeth Smith and Mark Zaccaria delve deeper into current events and we continue to ask our favorite question. Join us now for some Common Sense.
Are you kidding me?
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