H6107A: Rhode Island's Plan to Make Single Family Homes Subsidize High-Density Housing
RhodeMap RI / RI Rising depends upon an important State initiative: Getting you to subsidize your neighbors property taxes, even when your neighbor is financially better off than you!
First Steps to a Two-Tiered Property Tax System in RI
H 6107 is a RhodeMap RI inspired bill. Under the ruse of property tax reform this bill has the potential to destroy neighborhoods . . . unless we speak up resoundingly! (Continued . . .)
This Wednesday, June 10
at the rise of the Senate (4:30pm)
Senate Lounge - RI State House
Read moreThurs April 9: Division of Planning to speak on RhodeMap RI
Kevin Flynn from the Division of Planning, to make presentation on RhodeMap RI to House Oversight Committee at the State House
Raimondo Begins RhodeMap Implementation: Private Property Now a "Privilege" not a Right
RhodeMap RI implementation, Raimondo's Step 1 [RhodeMap Quote]:
"The State should consider the creation of a permanent commission on property taxation to establish a system of universal, understandable and fair standards for the municipal taxation of property throughout the state."
. . . And like a good cog in the machine behind RhodeMap RI, Governor Raimondo is ALREADY complying.
Attend Today's Anti-RhodeMap Hearing
It has been called the most dangerous policy agenda in Rhode Island. Now is your chance to fight back against the unelected bureaucrats. Today, at the Rhode Island State House, there will be a hearing on special legislation to exempt certain towns from the RhodeMap RI agenda. This legislation is an important first step to untangling our state from the RhodeMap RI web. Our elected official will listen when you speak out.
Read moreWhat the RI Division of Planning HAS NOT TOLD YOU about RhodeMap RI
If you are one of the 26 Communities signing on to federal CDBG, you must read this:
Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) -- Did you, as town officials, certify compliance to AFFH? What are the potential hazards? Gary Morse warns: "RhodeMap RI is not likely to just "sit on the shelf" now that stricter AFFH compliance is being demanded by the federal government. 26 communities may now want to ask – is it safe to cash that CDBG check?"
HUD Strings, Complicated and Evolving in RI
National Housing Experts tell PolitiFact about HUD money . . .
“I wouldn’t say they’ve ceded total control. I would say they have obligations.”
“It’s illegal to use local zoning power to maintain segregation”
Historically, the Fair Housing Act “has been enforced weakly. ... They’re doing more than has been done in the past.”
Property Rights Alliance of RI (PRARI) wishes to thank you for taking the time to respond to our emails and hope you will continue to consider the ramifications of the adoption of RhodeMap RI. We appreciate the opportunity to continue this important dialogue.
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